Donations to Shiksha Rath are always welcome whether a few books for the library, a musical instrument or a sum of money, it all helps.
Shiksha Rath is a small, energetic charity that relies mainly on acts of goodwill from individuals rather than major grants so please try to dig deep. We will always let you know exactly what your money has been used for and our accounts are published on our website. Every rupee/pound/dollar/Euro counts!
We like your donations to be as personal as possible and to be given to something important to you. This might include:
Donations can be high profile eg) having a classroom named after an individual or a company or completely anonymous, depending on the wishes of the doner.
You Can Donate Using Greenshoots (which also enables Gift Aid) by clicking HERE.
To Donate using Paypal please click below button
To donate within India you can send cheque using our Bank details below
Account Name: Touch India Trust
Bank: Bank Axis Bank
Branch: Kashmere Gate
Account No.: 914010004938658
IFSC code: UTIB0001180
Handcrafted with love in India by NWD.